Mens Ministry Movie Event: The Forge
Join the Men's Ministry at this year's Movie Event with "The Forge". We will watch it on August 24th, 7:00 pm. Bring your sons. Buy Your Tickets Here
Join the Men's Ministry at this year's Movie Event with "The Forge". We will watch it on August 24th, 7:00 pm. Bring your sons. Buy Your Tickets Here
We will have our church-wide K-group on September 1; come fellowship with us. We will have sandwiches and signup to bring an entree, side, or dessert. Signup today: Register Here The K-Group is intended to be an extension of [SEE MORE]
Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving meal as we celebrate how thankful we are for what the Lord has done and continues to do. The church will provide the turkey and dressing. Members, please bring sides and desserts. You can [SEE MORE]
We are glad to announce our next Christmas musical, "Light of the Stable." Come join us as we celebrate the fulfilled promise, the Christ that was to be born, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. In this special worship service, Lane [SEE MORE]
Come celebrate Emmanuel, God with us! We will be spend our time together reading and singing about how God stepped down into humanity, and dwelt among us.