We hope the following information will make your first visit with us an enjoyable one. Visitors are honored guests, and we make our passion to see that you feel right at home. Be sure to take a good look around our Web site before you visit to familiarize yourself with our church and some of the friendly people you will meet.


We certainly don’t have a dress code, but we thought you might like to know what to expect when you arrive. Members and visitors that attend our Sunday or Wednesday evening services are very relaxed and casually dressed. Those who attend our Sunday morning service wear everything from casual or business casual to a suit and tie or dress. So, feel welcome to come just as you are. We are honored to have you as our guest.


When you arrive at Lane Prairie you will be greeted at the doors by our Welcome Team. These are folks just like you that understand how stressful it can be visiting a new church. They will be readily available to help you or you and your family get settled in for a great morning.

During the worship services, you will be given an opportunity to complete a Guest Registration Card. Please complete this card and place it in one of the offering boxes or hand it to one of our staff members. Your personal information is kept confidential. We do not sell or distribute the personal information of our visitors or church members. However, the church may use that information to express our thanks for your visit and to express our love to you as a Christian church family.



We hope the following information will make your first visit with us an enjoyable one. Visitors are honored guests, and we make our passion to see that you feel right at home. Be sure to take a good look around our Web site before you visit to familiarize yourself with our church and some of the friendly people you will meet.


We certainly don’t have a dress code, but we thought you might like to know what to expect when you arrive. Members and visitors that attend our Sunday or Wednesday evening services are very relaxed and casually dressed. Those who attend our Sunday morning service wear everything from casual or business casual to a suit and tie or dress. So, feel welcome to come just as you are. We are honored to have you as our guest.


When you arrive at Lane Prairie you will be greeted at the doors by our Welcome Team. These are folks just like you that understand how stressful it can be visiting a new church. They will be readily available to help you or you and your family get settled in for a great morning.

During the worship services, you will be given an opportunity to complete a Guest Registration tab in the Bulletin. Please complete this card and place it in the offering plate as it is passed later in the service. Your personal information is kept confidential. We do not sell or distribute the personal information of our visitors or church members. However, the church may use that information to express our thanks for your visit and to express our love to you as a Christian church family.