Bake Off For Charity

South Campus 1234 Apple Avenue, New York City, NY, United States

Maecenas leo nisi, efficitur at felis sit amet, lacinia auctor quam. Aliquam euismod pretium mattis. Aenean sollicitudin orci non orci gravida ullamcorper. Duis utres odios pellentesque, efficiturs odio vitae, aliquams arcu. Sed pulvinar lacus at neque imperdiet lobortis. Phasellus eget lectus rutrum, fringilla nibh ut, convallis orci.


AWANA Kickoff Party

Lane Prairie Baptist Church 412 County Road 704, Joshua, TX, United States

It's almost time for AWANA, and we can't wait to see you so soon for our kickoff!!! AWANA is a weekly evening program that our church provides COMPLETELY FREE for kids, 3 years old-6th grade. In this program, we teach [SEE MORE]

Hot Air Balloon Rides

South Campus 1234 Apple Avenue, New York City, NY, United States

Maecenas leo nisi, efficitur at felis sit amet, lacinia auctor quam. Aliquam euismod pretium mattis. Aenean sollicitudin orci non orci gravida ullamcorper. Duis utres odios pellentesque, efficiturs odio vitae, aliquams arcu. Sed pulvinar lacus at neque imperdiet lobortis. Phasellus eget lectus rutrum, fringilla nibh ut, convallis orci.


Thanksgiving Baskets Outreach

Every year Lane Prairie gives Thanksgiving baskets to families in need in our community during the holidays. Please contact the church office if you want to donate food items or if you know someone needing a food basket for the [SEE MORE]

Night of Worship

Join us on January 29, 2023, at 6:00 pm for a night of worship, of adoration, as we give praises and thanksgiving to the Lord! We will have also a special message from Dr. Joe Crider, the Dean of the [SEE MORE]

Spring Break

There will be no Wednesday Services this coming March 15th, 2023. Have a wonderful time with your family, and live it for God's glory!

Awana Banquet

Lane Prairie Baptist Church 412 County Road 704, Joshua, TX, United States

You are invited to The Awana Banquet on May 21 at 6 pm, we will have a taco bar. Bring your sombrero! Signup today at

Church-wide k-groups

We will have our church-wide k-group June 4, come fellowship with us. We will have Mexican food, signup to bring an entree, side, or dessert. Signup today: The K-Group is intended to be an extension of the ministry of [SEE MORE]

VBS 2023

Lane Prairie Baptist Church 412 County Road 704, Joshua, TX, United States

This year’s VBS is taking some Twists & Turns where kids will spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! Twists & Turns is a fantastic celebration of games of all kinds. From classic [SEE MORE]

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