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Pastor Stan needs help…he wants to do a sermon on “The Bible,” but he needs to cover the entire Bible in 25-minutes! As impossible as it may sound, Pastor Stan knows just who to turn to. He’ll hire the world’s most famous kid-operated advertising agency——B.I.G.! With the help of crack creative team B.I.G, Pastor Stand knows he’ll get exactly what he needs!

From there the group’s Big-Bible-Bundle highlights how, even though God first created a perfect world, Adam and Eve made a decision that allowed sin to enter the world. This was The BIG Choice: Catastrophe! Next, the talented team decides to showcase God’s plan to deal with sin: The BIG Gift, in the form of both a cradle and a cross. Jesus — born on Earth fully human and fully God, fulfilling God’s promise of a Savior, and then redeeming us from sin through His work on the cross and the promise of eternal life. Finally, B.I.G.’s focus and creativity leads us to The BIG Finish: A Celebration and a Crown. We can all celebrate that Jesus is King, and that He is coming back to take us home to live with Him in Heaven forever!

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