Children’s Ministry

Our church’s goal in children’s ministry is for every child to come to know God, and out of that knowledge, to love Him, and out of that love, seek to live for Him. Our first aim is for the children to learn about God, which is why we teach them the Bible which is God’s written word. In it we find all we need to know about God, what He has done for us, and how to live a life that pleases Him in response. But it is not enough for children to just know about God; we long for them to love God completely, totally, and joyfully, with all that is in them, for their entire lives. True love is life changing. If children are made to love God, then they are also made to live for Him, serve Him, and submit to His loving rule over their lives. Acknowledging God’s greatness means acknowledging our littleness; His wisdom, and our foolishness; His righteousness, and our sin. Because our instincts, desires, and priorities lead us astray, children need to be taught and shown what it looks like to live for God, even as we are growing in love for Him. Loving God and living for God have a co-dependent relationship. The more we love Him, the more we live for Him. The more we live for Him, the more we love Him
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Awana is an international, Bible-centered kids organization in providing weekday clubs and programs for 3-year-olds through 6th grade. The acronym Awana comes from the first letters of the phrase “Approved workmen are not ashamed” (II Timothy 2:15).
Why Awana?
Awana exists to reach children and youth with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The priorities of Awana also include reaching parents and other family members with the gospel and training adults to minister to children.
What makes Awana unique?
Message – The heart of Awana is the gospel message – that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again. Everyone is a sinner and deserves eternal punishment. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, paid the penalty for our sin when he was crucified on the cross and rose from the dead. If we trust Jesus Christ as our Savior, we receive God’s gift of eternal life in heaven. Once we trust Jesus Christ as our Savior, we can never lose our salvation.
When is Awana?
Awana meets weekly every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm. Each club meeting is a 1 ½ hour program comprising five segments:
- Opening Ceremony – Five-minute segment which gives a disciplined, structured start to the club meeting.
- Game Time – Games on the Awana Games Square.
- Handbook Time – Segment where clubbers meet with individual leaders to pass achievements in entrance booklets and handbooks.
- Council Time – Segment where entire club meets together for announcements, award presentations, singing, a Bible message and an invitation to trust Christ.
- Closing Time – Five-minute segment including team awards and prayer.
VBS 2025
3 years old to 6th grade
June 2 – 5
9 am to noon
Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program our church offers, during the beginning of summer to connect with the children and families in our communities. Our Vacation Bible School is a fantastic way to bring in children and parents and teach them the gospel.

Kids Camp
Our church offers the opportunity for kids who have finished 3rd – 6th grade to go to a Christian Camp during the summer. Kids who go to camp have a life-changing experience. Not only is it fun in the moment, but also it has a lifelong impact. From meeting close friends to feeling the presence of God, camp can truly shape who these are. If your child has never been to camp, it is not too late! And if you are an adult, you can go too, we would love for you to register as one of our adult sponsors.
Sunday School is available every Sunday Morning 9:45-10:30 starting with Preschool Age Children.
Summer Clubs happen every summer, Wednesday evenings. Choose from five super fun clubs to join and halfway through the evening we move to group Bible study.
Children’s Church begins with a small devotional/sermon right after the offering in the sanctuary and then children 6 and under are taken to a separate class where they worship in a fun, and interactive way.